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Our Story

Quick Guide Tax began with our own journey as freelance ASL interpreters navigating our taxes, finances and business practices. After some unfortunate experiences with tax and financial professionals unfamiliar with our field, we began educating ourselves. After reading many books and attending webinars/conferences on self-employment, taxes, finances and business practices, we were eager to share our new knowledge with interpreting colleagues.


When we saw how well received the information was by the community, we decided to share it nation-wide by writing our book "The Interpreter's Quick Guide to Self-Employment" in 2017. By 2018, our book was required by several ITPs and we began teaching workshops on the content.

Then something interesting happened. Workshop attendees began asking us for referrals to a trusted tax/finance service. We started to see that many interpreters, just like us, struggled finding tax professionals who truly understood our field.


We thought, who understands the profession better than fellow interpreters? And just like that, Quick Guide Tax was born. In 2019 we became a team; Tax Preparer (EA) & Dave Ramsey Financial Coach. Our goal is to offer fellow interpreters a stress-free and supportive tax filing experience. As two freelancers who know how it feels to be on the receiving end of these services, we aim to create a personalized experience for our clients by truly caring about your unique long-term and short-term goals.


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Rosemary Johnson, MA, EA, NIC

ASL Interpreter, Speaker, Author, Enrolled Agent (admitted to practice before the IRS)

Rosemary Bocian, MA, EA, NIC, has been an ASL freelance interpreter for 9 years. In 2017 she co-authored the book "The Interpreter's Quick Guide to Self-Employment" which is currently being used by Interpreter Training Programs nationwide and sold on Amazon as well as at select Barnes & Nobles locations. Following publication, she began teaching workshops across the nation including the 2019 RID National Conference. This inspired her to become an Enrolled Agent and co-found Quick Guide Tax to provide interpreters with personalized tax preparation services. Rosemary received both her Bachelor’s in ASL Interpretation and Master’s in Deaf Studies: Culture from Gallaudet University. As a professional tax preparer (EA), author and seasoned speaker, Rosemary presents the complex world of taxes in plain language so that interpreters can thrive in the profession. 

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Brent Bocian, MAI, NIC, SC:L,

ASL Interpreter, Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach, Author

Brent Bocian, MA, NIC, SC:L has been an ASL freelance interpreter for 10 years. In 2017 he co-authored the book "The Interpreter's Quick Guide to Self-Employment" which is currently being used by Interpreter Training Programs nationwide and sold on Amazon as well as at select Barnes & Nobles locations. Following the publication, he co-founded Quick Guide Tax, became a Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach and a bookkeeper to better support the interpreting community. Brent received his Bachelor’s in ASL Interpretation from the Rochester Institute of Technology and a Master’s in ASL Interpretation from Gallaudet University. As a financial coach, author, bookkeeper, and mentor, Brent presents the complex world of money management and accounting in plain language so that interpreters can thrive in their careers.     

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